REMINDER-Nominations for the 2015 SURA Distinguished Scientist Award due November 10th

The SURA Distinguished Scientist Award is presented to individuals who support the SURA mission: “to advance collaborative research and to strengthen the scientific capabilities of its members and nation.”  The award comes with a $10,000 cash honorarium.


UF may submit only one nomination for the 2015 competition. The following procedures have been established for internal screening and selection:


  1. Internal Nominations should be submitted by departmental chairs to the COM Office of Research Affairs, ATTN: Todd Barnash ( by Monday, November 10, 2014.  One nomination per department.



  1. The top college nomination will be submitted to the Office of Research. An ad hoc committee will review the submissions and make selection recommendations to the Vice President for Research.




  • A letter of nomination from the Chair on the qualifications of the nominee; and


  • A comprehensive and up-to-date curriculum vitae or biographical sketch of the nominee.



For UF’s announcement and a link to the full solicitation, please visit:

Contact: Todd Barnash, (352)273-5088,

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