Congratulations to the following UF Health Cancer Center members for their successful completion of the 2020-2021 promotion and tenure cycle. Please join us in acknowledging their accomplishment!
Clinical Associate Professor: Curtis Bryant, M.D., Radiation Oncology
Assistant Professor: Loic Deleyrolle, Ph.D., Neurosurgery
Clinical Associate Professor: Ashley Ghiaseddin, M.D., Neurological Surgery
Associate Professor: Lei Jin, Ph.D., Medicine- Pulmonary, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine
Professor: Andrew Judge, Ph.D., Physical Therapy
Professor: Zhijian Qian, Ph.D., Medicine- Hematology & Oncology
Associate Professor: Maryam Rahman, M.D., Neurosurgery
Associate Professor: Ramzi G. Salloum, Ph.D., Health Outcomes & Policy
Clinical Associate Professor: Naykky Singh Ospina, M.D., Medicine-Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism
Associate Professor: Rui Xiao, Ph.D., Aging & Geriatric Research
Research Assistant Professor: Jason Brant, Ph.D., Biostatistics
Professor: Larisa H. Cavallari, PharmD, Pharmacotherapy & Translational Research
Clinical Professor: Julie L. Close, M.D., Medicine- Hematology & Oncology
Clinical Associate Professor: Anna De Benedetto, M.D., Dermatology
Clinical Associate Professor: Jennifer Duff, M.D., Medicine- Internal Medicine
Clinical Associate Professor: Sara Falzarano, M.D., Ph.D., Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
Professor: Michael S. Gutter, Ph.D., Extension Administration
Professor: Mattia Prosperi, Ph.D., Public Health & Health Professions
Clinical Associate Professor: Wynn, Tung T, M.D., Pediatrics- Hematology & Oncology