Michael Weaver, Ph.D., R.N., retires as chair of Scientific Review and Monitoring Committee

Michael Weaver, Ph.D., R.N., who has served as a vice chair of the UF Health Cancer Center’s Scientific Review and Monitoring Committee (SRMC) and chair of the cancer population sciences subcommittee, will retire from the University of Florida this summer.

Michael Weaver
Michael Weaver, Ph.D., R.N.

Weaver, a professor in the department of biobehavioral nursing science in the UF College of Nursing with extensive leadership experience in nursing, brought substantial expertise in advanced multivariate analysis techniques, research methods and health promotion.

As chair, he supervised the review of population science-based clinical research projects involving cancer patients or oncology services on behalf of cancer population science investigators. He played a crucial role in ensuring adequate internal oversight of the scientific aspects of all clinical research being conducted at the Cancer Center relevant to cancer population science projects.

Angela Starkweather
Angela Starkweather, Ph.D., ACNP-BC, FAANP, FAAN

Angela Starkweather, Ph.D., ACNP-BC, FAANP, FAAN, the Chamings Professor and assistant dean for research development in the department of biobehavioral nursing science, will succeed Weaver as chair of the cancer population science subcommittee.

As a nurse scientist and clinician, Starkweather’s research focuses on identifying the factors that contribute to the transition of acute to chronic pain and associated symptoms. Her research also focuses on multilevel interventions at the individual, system and societal levels to improve quality of life and health outcomes for people affected by chronic health conditions, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and HIV. Her clinical trials research focuses on using multiomic data to develop patient-centered interventions for mitigating health disparities in underserved populations.

The Scientific Review and Monitoring Committee provides critical review of the scientific merit, methodology and validity of statistical analyses of cancer-relevant studies prior to activation. The committee ensures proper prioritization of studies and the ability to monitor all cancer-related studies for expected progress relating to accrual goals and performance standards.

Please join us in thanking Dr. Weaver for his many years of service to the UF Health Cancer Center and welcoming Dr. Starkweather as she steps into this role!

Learn more about the SRMC.

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