Cancer Informatics Shared Resource Consultation Request Form Cancer Informatics Shared Resource Consultation Request Form Name First Last UF ID Number* Email* Phone Number Are you a UF Health Cancer Center Member?* Yes No If you are a member, which UFHCC Research Program are you aligned with?* Cancer Control and Population Sciences (CCPS) Cancer Targeting and Therapeutics (CTT) Immuno-Oncology and Microbiome (IOM) Mechanisms of Oncogenesis (MOO) Not Programmatically Aligned If not a member, please give the name of the UFHCC faculty sponsor If you are not PI, please list the PI name for this project Type of Project* Investigator-initiated protocol External grant/contract application Existing externally funded grant/contract Existing internally funded grant Publication in peer-re viewed journal Conference abstract or presentation Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) Software Other (describe below) Other Project Type (100 characters or less)Does this Project Involve eHealth (e.g., Digital Health, Mobile Health, Telehealth, Web-based eHealth)?* Yes No eHealth support requested area (select all that apply) eHealth-related study planning or design (qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-methods) eHealth Core letter of support for grant proposal eHealth Core budget information for grant proposal Writing sections of grant proposal or protocol Writing appropriate manuscript sections Other consultations on eHealth topics or tools Support Requested Area (select all that apply)* Study Design Sample size and power calculations Planning for statistical analysis of data Statistical analysis of exsisting data Statistical genetics expertise Writing sections of grant proposal or protocol Writing appropriate manuscript sections Generation of figures for publication Bioinformatic Analysis (e.g. next-gen sequencing analysis, microarray analysis, and proteomics data) Health Informatics (includes EMR and SEER data analysis) Other (describe below) Describe other eHealth consultation typeProject Title If Possible, Provide a Brief Description Study (1500 characters or less)Do you have an ongoing collaboration or do you prefer working with a particular team member? Desired Completion Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY