Poster Session Wednesday, Feb. 12 | 3–6 p.m. The UF Health Cancer Center recognizes the importance of providing a forum for our trainees to showcase your research and we are excited to welcome you to our poster session. Poster Presenter Instructions Research Showcase 2025 Submit Abstract ABSTRACT TITLE*PRESENTING AUTHOR NAME*Limit one submission per presenting author. First Last Suffix UFID NUMBER PRESENTING AUTHOR EMAIL ADDRESS* PRESENTING AUTHOR PHONE NUMBER* PRESENTING AUTHOR COLLEGE*Limit one submission per presenting author. PRESENTING AUTHOR CAMPUS LOCATION*(e.g., UF Gainesville, UF Jacksonville, UF Health Orlando, UF Health Scripps) PRESENTING AUTHOR TRAINING PROGRAM/DEPARTMENT* PRESENTING AUTHOR ACADEMIC RANK*In keeping with the center’s mission to foster education and training and to build research collaborations, trainee prizes will be awarded. Due to space limitations, abstracts will only be accepted for trainee posters. If you are a junior faculty or staff member in a research lab and want to have a poster, please contact Precollegiate, Undergraduate & Postbaccalaureate Graduate & Predoctoral Postdoctoral, Residents and Clinical Fellows POSTER JUDGING: Will you be present for the poster session?*IMPORTANT NOTE: Trainees must be present during their designated timeslot and stand by their poster for their poster to be judged. Yes No Do you want your poster to be judged?* Yes No PRIMARY MENTORPlease include name of primary mentor. First Last Suffix PRIMARY MENTOR DEPARTMENT PRIMARY MENTOR COLLEGE SHARED RESOURCES*Were any UF Health Cancer Center Shared Resources (sometimes called “Cores”) used during this research? If so, please check below to acknowledge these resources. Biostatistics and Quantitative Sciences Flow Cytometry and Confocal Microscopy NextGen Sequencing Cancer Informatics Gene Editing/CRISPR Drug Screening GMP Facility OneFlorida Clinical Research Consortium & OneFlorida Cancer Control Alliance Structure-Based Drug Design Core Lab TRC Human shRNA Library None of the above RESEARCH CATEGORY*For more information about the UF Health Cancer Center research programs, please visit our website. Cancer Control & Population Sciences (CCPS) Cancer Targeting and Therapeutics (CTT) Immuno-Oncology and Microbiome (IOM) Mechanisms of Oncogenesis (MOO) RESEARCH KEYWORDSPlease list three research keywords on the broad, cancer-related scientific topics for your research to help participants to find your poster (eg, immunotherapy, metastasis, drug development, breast cancer).OneTwoThreeCO-AUTHORS*Please list all authors.*Place asterisk by presenting authorLast nameInitials ABSTRACT*