Career Explorations Application

APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete this application form in its entirety and ensure that all your application files (including unofficial transcripts and resume/CV) have been uploaded before submission. For questions, please contact:

"*" indicates required fields


Demographic Information


Academic information

Are you a first-generation college student?*
Citizenship status*
If applicable


Research interests
Describe your motivation for pursuing cancer research and how this program will help you achieve your career goals.
The UF Health Cancer Center values and respects diversity. These differences include race, color, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, national origin, political opinion, and the many other ways in which one might identify. Please discuss how any aspect of your background or life experience might contribute to diversity within our program and community.
Please include previous laboratory/volunteer experience and lab/technical skills, if applicable.
Accepted file types: pdf, docx, Max. file size: 125 MB.
Please include your unofficial transcripts for your baccalaureate degree.
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 125 MB.
    Letter of Recommendation 1 – Faculty Member Name*
    Please provide name of faculty member for your required letter of recommendation.
    Please provide email of faculty member for your required letter of recommendation. Faculty members will receive an automatic notification of this request.
    Letter of Recommendation Requirements*
    Your mandatory letter of recommendation must be submitted by the faculty member by the application deadline.
    Optional Letter of Recommendation 2 – Name
    Please provide name of person writing your second letter of recommendation. This letter is optional, but encouraged. This letter should not be provided by family members or friends.
    Please provide email of person writing your second letter of recommendation. This person will receive an automatic notification of this request.
    NCI Cancer Center badge