NIH Supplements

The NIH Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (Admin Supp – Clinical Trial Not Allowed; PA-21-071) are administrative supplements available to support students, postdoctorates and eligible investigators from groups that have been shown to be underrepresented in health-related research.

Eligible Grants

The following UF faculty have National Cancer Institute grants eligible for supplements. Explore their research projects to learn more.


Desiree L. Salazar, Ph.D.

Desiree L. Salazar, Ph.D., coordinator for extramural programs at the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute of the National Institutes of Health, presented “Tools that Enhance the Biomedical Workforce” during a UF Health Cancer Center virtual seminar on Feb. 23, 2023.


Q: What are NIH Supplements?

A: The overall goal of these supplements is to enhance the biomedical workforce. Supplements provide additional funding to an existing NIH grant or parent award to support individuals underrepresented in biomedical, behavioral, clinical, social and basic science research by providing training, mentorship and career development opportunities. 

Q: As a trainee, can I submit a proposal for a supplement?

A: No, only a PI who has an eligible grant for a supplement, usually an R01 or R35 grant, and who has at least one year left before it is due for a competitive renewal at the start of the supplement can submit an application. 

Q: Who is eligible for a supplement?

A: Trainees: The trainee named in the supplement application must identify as underrepresented in the biomedical, clinical, behavioral and social sciences. More information can be found in the NIH guidelines. NIH guidelines state that trainees supported through supplements must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Supplement candidates may be considered for a supplement at the following career stages: high-school students, undergraduate students, post-baccalaureate and post-master’s degree students, predoctoral students, postdocs and faculty.

For more information, please review the NIH Supplements Seminar recordingImportantly, most NIH Institutes do not allow a trainee to be listed as a supplement candidate if they are already listed as personnel in the budget section of the PI’s parent award. Ideally, the trainee would be a new member of the PI’s lab who has not received any salary support from the parent grant, but exceptions can sometimes be made.

Parent awards: The PI must have an active NIH award, typically an R01 or R35, that has at least one year left before it is due for a competitive renewal at the time of the supplement starts.

Q: How can I find faculty who have an eligible grant to apply for a supplement?

A: Please contact Luisel Ricks-Santi, Ph.D., at or Tasha Graham, M.B.A., at

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