Clinical Research Office Intern Alumni

Clinical research interns that have completed their internship and where they are now.

Spring and Fall 2022

Jennina Garde

Jennina Garde is now a Clinical Research Assistant at the UF Health Cancer Center Malignant Hematology Research Office

Hannah Lange

Hannah Lange is now a Clinical Research Coordinator at the UF Health Cancer Center Malignant Hematology Research Office

Spring and Fall 2021

Dennis Le

Dennis Le is currently pursuing his master’s degree in an Anesthesiologist Assistant Program at Indiana University

Spring 2020

Spring and Fall 2019

Justin Lorentzen

Justin Lorentzen worked as a full-time research assistant and was promoted to a Clinical Research Coordinator at the UF Health Cancer Center and now works as a Clinical Research Coordinator at the University of Colorado

Kenstin Nnaji

Kenstin Nnaji worked as a full-time research assistant and is currently in pharmacy school at the University of North Carolina

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