Data Integrity and Safety Committee

The Data Integrity and Safety Committee (DISC) is a multidisciplinary committee comprised of Cancer Center investigators and staff. The mission of the DISC is to provide oversight and monitoring of trials conducted by the Cancer Center. The DISC is committed to safeguarding trial subjects and ensuring that the validity and integrity of trial data and operations are upheld.

The center’s DISC is responsible for:

  • Reviewing adverse events, unexpected problems, deviations and compliance with NIH, NCI and center policies
  • Reviewing efficacy data and study results
  • Reviewing audit reports
  • Recommending appropriate actions to the PI, SRMC, and IRB

Cancer Center IITs and other trials without established data and safety monitoring boards will be reviewed by the SRMC to determine the appropriate level of monitoring required. Review frequency will be based upon the protocol’s level of risk to patients and its complexity.  All UF interventional IITs will be monitored no less than annually to ensure compliance with the protocol, IRB requirements and other applicable regulations. Additional clarifications for review requirements can be found on the UFHCC CTAT webpage at this link.

The DISC monitoring policies and procedures ensure compliance with policies and guidelines regarding data and safety monitoring from the National Institutes of Health and the National Cancer Institute.

Important Documents

Meeting Schedule for DISC

The DISC meets once per month and the meetings are held virtually.

2025 DISC Meeting Schedule


For information related to the DISC please email

DISC Membership List

Name Position specialty
Kathryn Hitchcock, M.D., Ph.D. Chair Radiation Oncology
Jonathan Chatzkel, M.D. Vice-Chair Medical Oncology
Naykky Singh Ospina, M.D. Vice-Chair Endocrinology
Julie Bradley, M.D. Core Radiation Oncology
Paul Castillo, M.D. Core Medical Oncology
Jack Hsu, M.D. Core Medical Oncology
XiangYang “George” Lou, Ph.D. Core Biostatistics
Derek Li, M.S. Core Biostatistics
John Ligon, M.D. Core Pediatric Oncology
Gonghao Liu, M.S. Core Biostatistics
Merry Jennifer Markham, M.D. Core Medical Oncology
Jordan Milner, M.D. Core Pediatric Oncology
Ibrahim Nassour, M.D., MSCS Core Surgical Oncology
Ashley Ghiaseddin, M.D. Core Neurosurgery
Zhongyue Zhang, M.S. Core Biostatistics
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