Scientific Review and Monitoring Committee

The Scientific Review and Monitoring Committee (SRMC) provides the critical review of scientific merit, methodology and validity of statistical analyses of cancer-relevant studies prior to activation. The committee will ensure proper prioritization of studies and the ability to monitor all cancer-related studies for expected progress relating to accrual goals and performance standards.

The SRMC has the authority and charge to close any study not meeting the expected accrual goals or trials that have become obsolete by new advances in the field and therefore whose scientific rationale has become superseded by clinical practice. For a protocol to be reviewed by the SRMC, both the sponsoring Disease Site Group (DSG) and/or Research Program (RP) must provide endorsement.

Committee Decisions

Following discussion, the Committee votes to Approve, Approve with Stipulations, Table or Disapprove the protocol, meaning:

  • Approved: Approved for opening to accrual contingent upon obtaining IRB approval and completion of all other protocol activation steps
  • Approved with Stipulations: Study is approvable pending satisfactory responses to reviewer questions and concerns. The initial reviewers will review the PI response to stipulations, and the SRMC Chair or a Co-Chair will provide final approval.
  • Tabled: Substantial issues are present and revisions and/or formal reconsideration by SRMC are required.
  • Disapproved: The study is not approved for opening.

Important Documents


For information related to the SRMC, please contact the SRMC Administrative team at

Submission Deadlines for SRMC

The SRMC comprises two panels that each meet twice per month: the Biomedical Sciences Panel (BMSP) and the Cancer Control and Population Sciences Panel (CCPSP). The meetings are held virtually.

Frequently Asked Questions

SRMC BMSP Membership List

name role specialty/expertise
Ryan M. Thomas, M.D. Chair GI Surgery and Microbiome Biorepository
Tithi Biswas, M.D. –– Radiation Oncology; Thoracic; Breast
David DeRemer, Pharm.D. V-Chair Pharmacodynamics & Drug Development
Bently Doonan, M.D. V-Chair Cutaneous
Aline Fares, M.D. –– Medical Oncology; Thoracic
Samuel Jean-Baptiste, M.D. –– Radiation Oncology
Ji-Hyun Lee, DrPH V-Chair Biostatistics
Debra Lyon, Ph.D., R.N., FNP-BC, FNAP, FAAN V-Chair Cancer Prevention and Cancer Survivorship
Elias Sayour, M.D., Ph.D. Core Pediatric NeuroOnc
Coy Heldermon, M.D., Ph.D. Core Breast Oncology
Petr Starostik, M.D. Core Pathology & Genetics
Arkaprava Roy, Ph.D. Core Biostatistics
Muxuan Liang, Ph.D. Core Biostatistics
Karen Miller, JD Core Patient Advocate
Jennifer Woodard, M.P.H., R.N., CCRP Core Community Outreach and Engagement
Tuo Lin, Ph.D. Core Biostatistics
Padraic O’Malley, M.Sc., M.D., FRCSC Core Urologic Oncology
Serendipity Rinonos, M.D., Ph.D. Core Neuro-oncology
David Iglesias, M.D. Core Gynecologic Oncology
Sara Falzarano, M.D. Core Pathology

SRMC CCPSP Membership List

name role specialty/expertise
Debra Lyon, Ph.D., R.N., FNP-BC, FNAP, FAAN Chair Cancer Prevention and Cancer Survivorship
Stephen Anton, Ph.D. Core Psychology, Cancer Prevention
Devika Das, M.D. Core Medical Oncology; Thoracic
Yan Gong, Ph.D. Core Pharmacogenomics
Deidre Pereira, Ph.D., ABPP Core Psychosocial & Biobehavioral Interventions
Carma Bylund, Ph.D., FACH Core Survivorship
Ji-Hyun Lee, DrPH Core Biostatistics
Tuo Lin, Ph.D. Core Biostatistics
Arkaprava Roy, Ph.D. Core Biostatistics
Muxuan Liang, Ph.D. Core Biostatistics
Karen Miller, J.D. Core Citizen Scientist
Jennifer Woodard, M.P.H., R.N., CCRP Core Community Outreach and Engagement
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