How do I submit a study to the SRMC?

The SRMC utilizes OnCore®, a clinical trials management system to document the submission and electronic routing and workflow tracking system. The Cancer Center Clinical Research Office is available to assist with initial SRMC submissions. 

Completion of the SRMC intake form will begin the SRMC review process and entry into the OnCore system.

All cancer relevant trials that will be conducted by faculty, staff or students at the UF Health Gainesville campus or the UF Health Proton Therapy Institute must be reviewed by the SRMC prior to activation. In addition, all interventional trials must undergo DSG review and endorsement prior to SRMC review.


*If you are not located near the UF Health Science Center (HSC), you will need to use the HSC VPN to access the SRMC Intake Form.

SRMC Required Documents

Document TypeNon-InterventionalInterventional
SRMC Submission FormNOYES
Protocol or Investigational PlanYESYES
Investigator’s BrochureNOIF APPLICABLE
Completed DSG Submission FormNOYES
I2T3 Concept Review FormNOUF IITs ONLY
Other Relevant Documentation

Study teams will require OnCore® access in order to manage their studies post-initial SRMC approval. If you already have an OnCore® account, you can access the system here. 

If you need an OnCore® account, you can request OnCore® User Access here.

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