Membership Application

UF Health Cancer Center Membership Application

If you have any questions or need assistance with completing this form, please contact or call 352-273-8010.

  • Please enter your UF ID or Shands ID number
  • If you do not currently have a myNCBI Link, please write "none."
  • e.g., AACR, ASCO, ASH, ASTRO, IASLC, ONS, etc.
  • Please select up to 10 research interest topics. If your interests are not listed, please contact To select more than one research interest topic, please follow these instructions: After you select your first choice, click back into the field (not on the X), where the drop down menu will populate all remaining research interest topics. Then continue making as many additional selections as desired, repeating the previous process.
  • Help us understand the amount of your research that is focused on cancer-specific activities.
  • List your top three publications in the last five years that most demonstrate a strong cancer focus. Press the plus sign to add additional publications.
  • In the following space, please describe your cancer-related activities the committee should take into consideration when evaluating you for membership. Please summarize in lay terms the primary focus of your research and the cancer- relevance of that research.
  • Please identify the UFHCC Research Programs for which your ongoing research is best aligned. If you are unsure, please select "unsure."
  • Please upload your most current CV.
    Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, Max. file size: 125 MB.
  • Please upload your current NIH Biosketch.
    Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, Max. file size: 125 MB.
    For questions regarding data usage and reporting please contact the Office of Research Administration (352)273-8010 or

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