Using the form below, please submit your abstract by Sept. 15. Limit one poster per presenter. In keeping with the Cancer Center’s mission to foster education and training and to build research collaborations, trainee prizes will be awarded. Faculty are welcome to submit an abstract to showcase current research; however, faculty posters will not be judged. Questions should be directed to Ji-Hyun Lee, DrPh, and George Michailidis, Ph.D.
Due to this being a hybrid symposium, all poster presenters are required to:
A.) Prerecord a 5-minute presentation, which will be available to be viewed online by attendees at any point during the event. Due by Sept. 19; see instructions below.
B.) Present a speed talk on your poster during the event on Sept. 21. Presenters must be available from 11:10 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. to give a speed talk.
C.) Stand by their posters during lunch (11:40 a.m. -12:40 p.m.) to answer attendees’ questions.
Submission Instructions:
- We encourage you to use our Cancer Center Poster template and logo for your poster.
- Please remember to acknowledge any UF Health Cancer Center Shared Resources utilized in your research.
- Upload a 3-minute video of you describing your work/poster to YouTube and include the YouTube link on the submission form (only YouTube links will be supported). Please make the YouTube video settings as UNLISTED.
- Quick Elevator Pitch Example: Here is an example of conciseness while still providing all the necessary information. For your presentation, it is not necessary to cover all the small details. Instead, focus on the bigger picture of your research, results, and conclusions. Think of this video as a normal presentation of material, only recorded and with a time limit. Cover the important topics of your research and get your point across. Dress in appropriate attire and be mindful of your backdrop.
- After you have submitted your poster and video presentation, please email the video file (MP4) to Colette Cimino. If the file is too large to email, please email Colette a Dropbox link.
Submit Abstract
The abstract submission deadline is Sept. 15.