Flow Cytometry & Confocal Microscopy


To provide UF Health Cancer Center members easy access to cost-effective, cutting-edge cytometry, confocal and small-particle instrumentation. The Flow Cytometry and Confocal Microscopy Shared Resource's comprehensive user training program allows for easy self-use of these instruments, making advanced technology accessible.

Dr. Miranda points at a computer screen where another team member works in the Shared Resource.

The Flow Cytometry and Confocal Microscopy Shared Resource (CYT-SR) is part of the Interdisciplinary Center for Biotechnology Research and provides UF Health Cancer Center researchers with 24/7 easy access to flow cytometers (both analyzers and sorters), small-particle instruments and confocal microscopes.

Capabilities within the CYT-SR include isolation of rare immunological and tumor cell populations for downstream analysis and characterization using single-cell genomic analysis in collaboration with the Next-Generation Sequencing Shared Resource and the UF Health Cancer Center’s Biostatistics & Computational Shared Resource.

CYT-SR services are provided at two sites: the Cancer and Genetics Research Complex (CGRC) and the McKnight Brain Institute (MBI). Both locations are equipped with a wide variety of cytometers and microscopes. Our analyzers include the Accuri C6 Plus, Fortessa, Symphony A3, Cytoflex LX, Canto II, Sony SP6800 spectral and Cytek Aurora. For sorting purposes, CYT-SR has the Sony SH800, Fusion and Symphony S6.

In addition, CYT-SR is equipped with several microscopes, including the Keyence BZ-X800, Leica SP5 confocal, “Live Cell” – Nikon Ti-E, spinning disk confocal, Zeiss LSM800 confocal, and Stellaris 8 confocal (with LIGHTNING (deconvolution), FALCON (FLIM), FRAP, FRET and TauSense application modules). Furthermore, CYT-SR has NanoFCM and NanoSight (NS300) instruments specifically used for the analysis of small particles such as exosomes, extracellular vesicles and liposomes.

Shared Resource Aims

  • Provide convenient access to cost-effective, state-of-the-art flow cytometry analyzers and sorting, as well as confocal microscopy services, along with comprehensive training for independent instrument use
  • Conduct a flow course that includes a two-day laboratory session with hands-on training
  • Provide consultation on experimental design and support for scientific publications and grant applications
  • Identify and evaluate new instrumentation to ensure the capabilities of the instruments align with the needs of Cancer Center users. This evaluation process will be based on feedback from end-users, membership surveys, and recommendations from the CYT-SR Scientific Advisory Group.


  • Free consultations
  • Training for self-service use on flow cytometry (both conventional and spectral analyzers and sorters), nanoparticle analysis, cryostat and microscopes
  • 24/7 access for self-service use
  • Staff-assisted sorting, including sorting for single-cell RNA-Seq analysis
  • Workshop on flow cytometry fundamentals with two-day hands-on lab sessions
  • A wide variety of cytometry, small-particle and microscopy instruments available at both CGRC and MBI locations
Two people use instruments in the Flow Cytometry core.

The CYT-SR operates from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, with after-hours access controlled by badge readers for self-users. Users are required to log in with UF GatorLink credentials to access instruments. Technical assistance is available during regular operating hours. UF Health Cancer Center members receive a 20% copay on all CYT services and have priority access to consultations and self-service instruments (up to 30 days in advance).



Mariza Miranda PhD


Mariza Miranda, Ph.D., named scientific director of ICBR Cytometry

Mariza Miranda, Ph.D., was named scientific director of ICBR’s Cytometry core. She has a master's degree and Ph.D. in pharmaceutical sciences, with more than 12 years of experience working as a researcher to develop multidisciplinary projects.

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